Tip The Scales In Your Favor
How often to weigh yourself, or whether to use a scale at all, seems to be a trending weight loss debate. Do you weigh yourself every day? I do...
Read moreHow often to weigh yourself, or whether to use a scale at all, seems to be a trending weight loss debate. Do you weigh yourself every day? I do...
Read moreIf you enter “What weighs 100 lbs.?” as an internet search, things like this come up: “Twelve gallons of drinking water, a...
Read moreI am the self-proclaimed reunion czar of my high school class. While I could say I seized power, I’m not really sure there was much...
Read moreI think I’m starring in my own reality sit-com and I’m the only one that doesn’t know. You know how sometimes on a sit-com there will be a big...
Read moreIf “I’m too busy” is the mantra of those who have trouble working some fitness into their days, then “I don’t want to deprive myself” is the...
Read moreDo you know what this is? This is one of the last travel coffee mugs my father gave me. The last one of many, as like most things, he gave me a...
Read moreI saw a comic do a routine about how her mother would say things in a reverse question format whenever her mom was trying to get her...
Read moreMy ex-boyfriend, in the middle of our break-up, once told me that my biggest problem was that I think everyone thinks like me, when in fact, most...
Read moreI come from a long and distinguished line of bad backs. I can trace this trait back on both my maternal and paternal sides of the family tree...
Read moreI’m excited to post my first review opportunity. Bulu box gave me a complimentary sample box to write my thoughts about it. Bulu...
Read moreMy weight gain, like many women experience, had been gradual: a few pounds in college, a few more in law school, and then after I got married, got...
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